National Executive Committee

JLM is run by a team of volunteers who make up our National Executive Committee. Our NEC was elected at our AGM in November 2022. You can find out more about our NEC members below.

Parliamentary Chair

National Movement Chair 

Mike Katz

National Secretary

Miriam Mirwitch










National Vice Chair

Currently Vacant

National Vice Chair 

Baroness Ruth Anderson of Stoke-on-Trent

National Treasurer

Cathy Ashley OBE

Campaigns Officer

Rebecca Filer

International Officer

Izzy Lenga

Local Government Officer

Cllr Sara Conway

Membership Officer

Alex Richardson

Equalities Officer 

Ella Rose

Policy Officer

Joshua Garfield

Political Education Officer

David Mason

Trade Union Officer

Ben Combe


Youth & Students Officer 

Joel Rosen

Youth & Students Officer 

Hannah Haskel



North West JLM Chair

Cllr Dena Ryness


London JLM Chair

Cllr Neil Nerva


NEC Roles

National Movement Chair 

Our spokesperson and main representative to the Jewish community and the public at large, the National Movement Chair plays a key role in ensuring JLM is well represented and our thoughts and feelings communicated to the outside world. They are responsible for ensuring that the Movement is well resourced, playing a key fundraising role. In the absence of our Parliamentary Chair, they chair meetings of the NEC, and in tandem with the National Secretary hold a delegated responsibility for the day to day operations of the Movement. Either the National Movement or Parliamentary Chair must be a woman.

National Secretary

Playing a key role within the organisation of the Movement, the National Secretary is responsible for JLM's work programme, ensuring all parts of the organisation are able to deliver on our aims, objects and values. As our political secretary, the National Secretary is responsible for ensuring that we are represented within our affiliated organisations. They hold a general delegated authority from the NEC, and are responsible for ensuring the organisation complies with all relevant regulation by the Electoral Commission, Companies House and other regulatory bodies.

National Vice Chairs 

Our National Vice Chairs take responsibility for key projects that the NEC collectively prioritise each year. Alongside the National Chair, they also take leadership of ensuring the Movement are well represented to the outside world, often speaking to the media and to external organisations. They help guide the Movement, working with the National Officers Group to ensure we are acting in the best interests of our members at all times. One Vice Chair must be a woman.

National Treasurer

Responsible for ensuring that our Movement is financially stable, the National Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the organisations finances. Playing a crucial role in ensuring our programme of activity is budgeted for, the National Treasurer leads our fundraising activity, raising funds from members and supporters. Alongside the National Chair and National Secretary, the treasurer is also responsible for governing JLM's service company.

Campaigns Officer

Coordinating our campaigning activity, the Campaigns Officer works to ensure JLM members are able to canvass for Labour Party candidates who share our aims and values, as well as key campaigns against antisemitism, racism and fascism.  

International Officer

Responsible for our work internationally, they coordinate with our sister parties in Europe and Israel, as well as leading our work within the World Labor Zionist Movement. They will play an important role organising and campaigning within the Jewish community for the forthcoming WZC.

Local Government Officer

Leading a network of Jewish Labour Councillors, they work to ensure our aims and values are reflected in local government. Leading our interactions with the ALC and LGA Labour, the local government officer also works to expand the network by encouraging our activists to stand in local elections.

Membership Officer

Working to ensure that every decision and activity the Movement takes benefits our membership, the Membership Officer works to ensure that our activities, communications and membership system reflect and respond to the needs of our members.

Equalities Officer 

The Equalities Officer helps to ensure that our Women, LGBT+ and Disabled members are represented on the NEC and coordinate our work on equalities and diversity within JLM and the wider Labour movement.  

Policy Officer

Working to ensure JLM develops policy that reflects the interests and views of our members, the Policy Officer leads our engagement work through the Labour Party's National Policy Forum. They also play a critical role in ensuring our members have platforms to share ideas, including commissioning for our website and through our newsletter, the Vanguard.

Political Education Officer

Responsible for coordinating activities and events for members to engage with democratic socialism and Socialist and Labor Zionism, the Political Education Officer leads our work not only amongst members, but also leads our work in providing antisemitism awareness training to Constituency Labour Parties and other outside bodies.

Trade Union Officer

Working to organise Jewish members inside their Trades Unions, or TU officer also takes a lead on ensuring our aims and values are understood and appreciated through the democratic structures of the Labour Party affiliated trades unions.

Youth & Students Officer 

Leading our activity with young people and students, they play a crucial role identifying, training and encouraging the next generation of JLM activists. Working with UJS, they work to organise our members within Labour Students and Young Labour. This post must be filled by a JLM member under the age of 27.

Updated 20 September 2024