At the AGM, there are a few roles we need volunteers for, to be able to help run the event smoothly. Would you be willing to lend a hand on the day for any of the roles below?
Registering Members
We are opening doors at 2pm to start registering members. The AGM itself will start at 2:30 pm, so we want to try and register people as quickly as possible. We will very likely also have people registering throughout the event. We need around 10 volunteers to help register people. We'd need you to get to the venue for 1:45 pm.
For motions and ballots, we will need people to help manage the room to distribute and collect ballot papers. We need about 6 people to act as tellers.
At the conclusion of the AGM, we will be moving to another venue to count the votes for the NEC elections. It will take place in a nearby pub to enable members to gather informally to hear the results. We need about 10 people to act as counters. We'd need you to stay later until the count is complete.
Thank you for helping!